This is a little on the late side!
The Christmas HKK Course and Grading was held on the 14th of December 2024 at Swindon and was run by Higashi’s Chief instructor Sensei Steve Bell who was supported with our other HKK senior grades.

The course was very well attended with Higashi clubs traveling many miles to take part. We were also joined by our old friend Graham Chuck and some of his students from Wadoryu Karatedo Kenkyukai.

It all kicked off with a warm up that tested the coordination of most! Followed by basics, kata and kata bunkai/pair work (grade related).
The grading followed in front of a senior panel, testing the skill and ability of all participating.

Congratulation to the follow on their successful promotion:
Julie Mellor: Sandan
Louisa Corda: Nidan
Kartik Gupta: Shodan
Edward Gamazeliuc: Shodan
Tamzin Chaplin Andrews: Shodan
Rumman Fatih: Shodan
Barry Harriott: Shodan
Natasha Gupta: Shodan
Harrison Corp: Shodan
Parminder Dedgan: Shodan
David Payne: Reassesed after break in training as 1st Kyu
Leung Shek-Chor (Cedric): 2nd Kyu
The evening entertainment/meal was also held in a Swindon pub (The Runner) with a good number staying on for this.
Go to the HKK Facebook page to see a gallery of photos from the day, including evening festivities.
We would also like to say a massive thank you to all who supported the day and made it such a success!
Thanks to our Chief instructor Steve Bell and all the Senior Instructors who helped out during the day, and special thanks to Paul Cullum from Swindon Higashi for organising the Venue and evening meal.